Forensic Services

Our director, Dr. Sanam Hafeez, has been on several national cases, and testified in civil, criminal, family, and supreme court trials. As an expert in catastrophic injury, custody, and civil litigation, she has helped bring about multimillion-dollar settlements and justice to the aggrieved.
Dr. Hafeez has been on a national and court database of medical experts since 2009.

Comprehend The Mind Image Dr. Sanam Hafeez

Dr. Sanam Hafeez

Dr. Hafeez brings her forensic competence to Comprehend the Mind, both in leading the clinical team and as the testimonial expert. CtM serves as forensic consultations to courts, law firms and private parties. The key to our reputable services is our ability to perform standardized assessments while utilizing data from legal and empirical sources, speaking with various parties involved, and using critical clinical skills to report and inform. 


Forensic Evaluations

Our team has the expertise and versatility to 
perform a wide array of assessments:

Custody evaluations of minors and family assessments in divorce cases

Immigration or hardship evaluations

Personal injury, specifically catastrophic injury or neglect

Special education advocacy

Trauma, PTSD, sexual abuse, negligent infliction of emotional distress

Wrongful death

Expert Testimony

Dr. Sanam Hafeez has earned recognition for her expert testimony in major legal proceedings across the U.S. With a reputation for knowledge and credibility, we are retained by law firms and courts for cases in areas such as special education, malpractice, custody, and immigration.
Dr. Hafeez and her team use data gathered through the curated assessment process and her own clinical judgment to offer insight and recommendations to the courts or the parties involved.

Comprehend The Mind Image Expert Testimony